Feature Release: 2 New Features in Asista User Portal

by | Jul 30, 2020 | Updates & News

Dear Customer,

Greetings from Team Asista!

We have new features released to your Asista User Portal which we would like to inform you at this point. The new features that you can explore are:

  1. CC Feature in Submit Request & Request Detail Pages
  2. Comment Policy for Ticket Statuses

CC Feature in Submit Request & Request Detail Pages

Now your customers can fill in a “CC field” in their submit request form. Using the CC field, your customers can keep multiple people updated about the status of their request/issue. They can simply type in the CC email ids and submit the request form. When the request is created or when the request has any update an email notification is sent to the CC email ids as well.

Additionally, they can control who receives a CC email in the Request Detail Page where they can add additional or remove current CC email ids. Your agents, supervisors, managers and help desk staff have an additional access in the CC field to the email ids already stored within your Asista tenant.

Comment Policy for Ticket Statuses

The Comment Policy for Ticket Statuses feature allows you to control when your customers can comment on a ticket and when they should not. You can restrict commenting on a ticket for certain ticket statuses. For example, ideally a user should not be able to comment on a ticket that has already been Resolved and Closed.

You have the freedom to choose which ticket statuses should have a comment restriction based on your business requirements. Simply toggle the states under the Ticket >> State Management >> Comment Policy settings page to enable/disable comment policy.

Feel free to play around with the settings and test out these features before you set it up for your Asista portal.

We are listening for your feedback https://support.asista.com

Team Asista

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